May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at Croft Village Hall on Monday 16th May at 8:30pm.
The Chairman welcomed all Councillors present, and there were no members of the public in attendance.
1. To receive the Chairman’s report for 2021-22.
The Chairman issued a brief report on the Council’s work throughout the year including installing a new play area and mentioned the untimely passing of the Clerk to the Council earlier in the year.
2. To confirm the minutes of previous Annual Parish Meeting.
The previous minutes could not be located on the previous Clerk’s laptop.
3. To receive questions or comments from members of the public – those who reside or work within the council’s boundary.
There were no members of the public in attendance.
4. To confirm the date of the next Annual Parish Meeting.
The next Annual Parish Meeting will be held between 1st March and 1st June 2023.