March 2020 Minutes
Minutes Of The Croft Parish Council Meeting Held On Monday 2nd March 2020
Present Councillors
Cllr Mr N Dowlman (Chairman)
Cllr Moore,
Cllr Bowser,
Cllr Vokes,
Cllr Mrs Coxall
Cllr Dennis
In Attendance Mrs C Newton (Clerk)
No Public Present
1 Apologies for absence
Cllrs Peacock, Kirk (ELDC) & PCSO J Richardson these absences were formally approved, by vote, having considered and accepted the reasons for absence.
2 To sign as correct the minutes from the last meeting held on 3rd February 2020, it was unanimously agreed that the minutes should be signed
3 Declarations of Interest
4 Matters to Report
a) Update on quotes for the repair work to the bus shelter on the A52
The Clerk will contact Sam Butler for a quote
5 Correspondence received
6 Informative matters from LCC & ELDC Councilors
LCC – Not present
ELDC – Cllr Dennis reported on the Towns fund and its structure
7 Planning Applications
a) Submitted
Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the temporary siting of 10no. static caravans and 2no. touring caravans to provide accommodation for site operatives in connection with the offshore wind farm development and associated carparking area (works completed).
Mark Shaw Water Plants, Church Lane, Croft, Skegness, Lincolnshire, PE24 4RU
Section 73 application to continue to use as holiday lets without complying with Condition No. 2 ( Plan Numbers) and Condition No. 5 (Walled Enclosures) as imposed on Planning Permission Ref. No. S/039/2514/18, 'Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations to existing outbuildings into 4no. holiday lets and erection of 1no. holiday let'.
Toll Bar Farm, Croft Marsh, Croft, Skegness, PE24 4SR
Section 73 application to continue to use as holiday lets without complying with Condition No. 2 ( Plan Numbers) and Condition No. 5 (Walled Enclosures) as imposed on Planning Permission Ref. No. S/039/2514/18, 'Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations to existing outbuildings into 4no. Holiday Lets And Erection Of 1no. Holiday Let'.
Toll Bar Farm, Croft Marsh, Croft, Skegness, PE24 4SR
Planning Permission - Construction of a vehicular access.
Crown Farm, Croft Bank, Croft, Skegness, PE24 4AP
c) To Discuss
Planning Permission - Change of use of existing restaurant and Bed and Breakfast to form a dwelling.
The Cottage Restaurant, Croft Bank, Croft, Skegness, Lincolnshire, PE24 4RE
8 Finance
a) Bills to Pay
Salary February £277.98
LALC Training Course £ 15.00 inc £2.50 reclaimable VAT
Beacom - Village Hall £164.20
Paul Brereton (Hall Decoration) £3572.00
It was unanimously agreed that these payments should be made
b) Account Balances
Treasurer account £ 1030.18
Instant Account £81005.05
Petty Cash £11.56
9 Footpaths & Highways
a) Outstanding
Croft Road sign damage reported
Bus stop sign damaged
b) The Clerk has contacted Highways to apply for permission to site a bus shelter – Noted
c) The bridge onto Low Road & the 275 has been removed, therefore the footpath sign needs returning – Cllr Dennis will deal
10 Village Hall
a) Report – Cllr Mr. P Vokes
The Decorators have completed the Hall decoration – on time
There has since been 2 Auctions and the walls have not been marked
There is an 8-foot strip lights not working properly, which may need replacing, it might also be sensible to consider replacing the current speakers.
There will be an Emergency Planning meeting on the 31st March – there
Are two Croft Councillors on the Panel - Cllrs Vokes & Peacock
The cuttings have been left on the field by the Church and need moving as soon as possible
b) Historic Photographs loaned to the Village Hall – Cllr Moore
Cllr Moore would like to see the artifacts returned to their normal position in the Hall. However, it was previously agreed that a separate room would be dedicated to hold all these items, a grant for this work has been applied for and the work is already underway. A suggestion was made that the new room would be called The Croft History Room – unanimously agreed
Cllr Moore wished it to be recorded that he would like the historic photographs returning to him
c) Letter from a resident – Cllr Moore
The Clerk will write to the resident stating the plans for the new history Room
11) Speed Watch Report – Cllr Mrs Coxall
First outing between 8 & 9am there were 29 cars 5 of which were travelling between 36 & 46 miles per hour
There are 2 of the volunteers committing themselves to sessions now
12 Report on Planning training Course – Cllr Mrs Coxall
Cllr Mrs Coxall attended a Planning Course which covered Permitted development &106 agreements she found it very informative, and will send the training notes out to the other Councillors
13) Recreation Ground – Funding - Cllr Peacock
To propose a funding Officer to work with the Clerk
To arrange a consultation
This item will be carried forward to the next meeting
14) Path to the A52 – Cllr Bowser
a) Information sent to Cllr Bowser from Highways
Cllr Bowser has received the application pack, and will arrange for further quotes
15) To discuss date of May Meeting
It was unanimously agreed that as May 4th is no longer a Bank Holiday the date for the Parish Meeting and the Parish Council Annual meeting
Will be rescheduled
16) Agenda Items for the next meeting
A52 – update – Cllr Bowser
Funding Officer
Traffic Calming in the Village
Meeting Closed at 8.10 pm
Next Meeting April 6th, 2020