May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Croft Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Croft Village Hall on Monday 16th May.
The Chairman welcomed all present, and as no members of the public were in attendance, the Council went into session.
Cllr’s N Dowlman (Chair), E Peacock (Vice-Chair), A Coxall, G Bowser, C Moore, P Vokes, S Dennis and S Blackburn.
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. To elect a new Chairperson of the Council.
The incumbent Chair Cllr N Dowlman was proposed by Cllr P Vokes and seconded by Cllr E Peacock. With no other Councillors nominated, Cllr N Dowlman was elected Chair of the Council.
4. To receive the Chairperson’s declaration of acceptance of office.
Cllr N Dowlman and the Clerk to the Council signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
5. To elect a Vice-Chairperson of the Council.
Cllr N Dowlman proposed Cllr E Peacock to be Vice-Chair and seconded by Cllr P Vokes. With no other Councillors nominated, Cllr E Peacock was elected Vice-Chair of the Council.
6. To receive the Vice-Chairperson’s declaration of acceptance of office.
Cllr E Peacock and the Clerk to the Council signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
7. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 4th April 2022.
With no matters arising the minutes from April were resolved unanimously.
8. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
The Clerk is yet to receive authorisation from Lloyds Bank to be able to access the accounts. No information was able to be provided at this time.
9. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
10. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
a) Cllr Dowlman advised the Clerk there should have been a planning application for Old Chequers Inn. The Clerk to investigate and email to all Councillors for feedback.
b) The planning application S/039/00453/22 for Sykes Farm, Gibraltar Point, Croft, PE24 4SU has been approved.
11. To receive reports from the Chairman and Clerk to the Council.
Cllr N Dowlman praised the Council for everything they’ve achieved over the last year. The new equipment in the park had received plenty of good feedback with positive reports continuing to come in. Cllr N Dowlman also mentioned the matting in the park, the kitchen refurbishment in the hall, the CCTV that is to be installed and the trees to be planted in the autumn. Cllr N Dowlman also thanked those who have worked so hard on the organisation of the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations to be held in Croft.
The Clerk emailed a report to Councillors prior to the meeting updating Councillors on the banking situation, training with LALC, problems with the website and confirming the extension to submit the annual return.
12. To consider the purchase of a screen for use in the Village Hall meeting room.
Cllr N Dowlman provided three quotes on screens to be installed in the Village Hall meeting room. Cllr S Dennis enquired about the extended warranty. Cllr N Dowlman advised he would contact Digicube to confirm whether they offered the extended warranty.
Cllr S Dennis proposed the Council go ahead with the best price quote from Digicube if they offer the extended warranty in line with the other quotes. Cllr P Vokes seconded, and this was resolved unanimously.
13. To receive an update on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration Event.
Cllr A Coxall provided leaflets to Councillors and requested one be put in the notice board and on the website. Activities during the celebration was discussed including face painting and games. Mugs have also been purchased to be given to children who attend.
14. To receive an update on broadband installation for the Village Hall.
Cllr N Dowlman confirmed he was able to secure full fibre straight away with no additional installation fees.
Concerns were raised over the height of the cable connecting to the Village Hall. Cllr P Vokes to contact Open Reach to advise the height should be 18ft.
15. To receive a report on the Village Hall.
Cllr P Vokes provided a report advising electrical works had been completed. A cheque from Komplan had been return to the Clerk due to an error in the figures. Litter bins had been ordered and the park gate had been painted.
A discussion took place on whether a sign was needed about dog fouling. It was resolved unanimously to not provided a sign.
16. To dispose of any correspondence received.
None received.
17. To transact any urgent business.
It was requested that an item about traffic calming ideas be put on the next agenda. The next meeting will be on Monday 6th June 2022.
The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:05pm.