October 2022 Minutes
Croft Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Croft Village Hall on Monday 3rd October 2022 commencing at 7pm.
The Chairman welcomed all present. As no members of the public were in attendance, it was resolved to move into formal session.
Cllrs N Dowlman (Chair), E Peacock (Vice-Chair), C Moore, and P Vokes.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman asked all present to stand and observe one minutes silence in memory of Her Majesty the late Queen Elizabeth II.
2. Apologies
It was resolved to accept apologies from Cllrs S Blackburn, G Bowser and A Coxall.
3. Declarations of Interest
4. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 30th August 2022.
Councillors voted to replace the dummy camera with a real camera as there were available ports, this resolution was missed off the August minutes. The Clerk to amend. With no other matters arising the minutes from August were resolved unanimously.
5. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
a. September Income and Expenditure
No comments were made, resolved unanimously.
6. To receive a budget review for the 1st and 2nd quarters of the year.
Councillors were provided with a budget review for the 1st and 2nd quarters of the financial year, detailing the anticipated and actual income and expenditure alongside a comparison to the previous financial year.
7. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
None received.
8. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
a. Planning application amendment for land to the rear of Autumn House and Strawberry, Burgh Le Marsh - S/023/01090/22
Councillors agreed this was for Burgh Le Marsh Parish Council to comment on.
b. Full planning permission granted for Top Yard Barn, Bratoft - S/039/00924/22
Councillors were notified of the Full planning permission granted for Top Yard Barn.
9. To receive reports from the Chairman and Clerk to the Council.
The Clerk updated Councillors on works from the previous month which included writing updated policies and updating the budget, research into a possible bus shelter in the village and potential grant funding for the bus shelter, correspondence with Brown and Co over the allotments had continued to establish the correct location and emailing LCC highways about numerous including speed limits and street signs.
10. To receive a report on the Village Hall.
Cllr P Vokes reported that there were not many bookings. The dummy camera had been replaced. The new CCTV camera had been connected and the invoice for the works can be expected soon.
11. To consider putting the allotments out for tender.
In the interest of transparency, Councillors agreed that it should be publicly advertised that the allotments are available to rent. Resolved unanimously.
12. To consider quotes to plant 9no. rowan trees in the park.
It was agreed to defer until the November meeting, as only one quote had been received so far.
13. To pass a resolution to sign up to the Civility and Respect Pledge from the National Association of Local Councils and The Society of Local Council Clerks.
During a brief debate, Councillors discussed the potential limitations on freedom of speech, how opinions are subjective but ultimately how this was for the protection of Councillors and employees alike. It was resolved by majority to accept the motion to sign up to the Civility and Respect Pledge.
14. To consider installing new gates on the allotments.
Cllr Peacock reasoned that a gate should be installed at the entrance of the allotments in the interest of security. Councillors asked the Clerk to get quotes for both a timber and galvanised gate including a sign.
15. To consider installing a bus shelter on Church Lane.
Councillors discussed installing a bus shelter for the school children in the village and how if a bus shelter was installed it might encourage a local bus company to run a service through the village. Locations were discussed with the junction of Church Lane being favoured due to the grass verge on the corner being the ideal spot. As it belongs to LCC Highways, permission will be needed.
The Clerk advised Councillors he would be attending a zoom meeting at the end of the week about potential grant funding up to £3,000.00 to go towards the purchase and installation of a bus shelter. The Clerk provided examples of timber shelters with a 50-year life expectancy and metal framed shelters with a 10-year life expectancy. The Clerk to source quotes for supply, delivery and installation.
16. To resolve to go into closed session.
It was resolved unanimously to go into closed session to discuss confidential matters.
Closed Session
17. To consider a request from Spilsby Town Council regarding the Clerk’s training and subscriptions.
Councillors agreed to Spilsby Town Council’s request, resolved unanimously.
18. To progress staffing matters received in the confidential report.
Staffing matters detailed in the confidential report provided to Councillors were resolved unanimously.
The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:05pm.