December 2022 Minutes
Croft Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Croft Village Hall on Monday 5th December 2022 commencing at 7pm.
The Chairman welcomed all present. As no members of the public were in attendance, it was resolved to move into formal session.
Cllrs N Dowlman (Chair), E Peacock (Vice-Chair), G Bowser, A Coxall, C Moore, and P Vokes.
1. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire.
2. Apologies
It was resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr S Dennis.
3. Declarations of Interest
4. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 7th November 2022.
With no other matters arising, the minutes from October were resolved unanimously.
5. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
a. November Income and Expenditure
b. November Bank Reconciliation
Cllr Vokes questioned the backpay received by staff. The Clerk advised there was income tax to pay. Resolved unanimously.
6. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
None received.
7. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
None received.
Cllr Vokes mentioned a white picket fence on the roadside on Croft Lane, within a metre of the road. A member of the public asked Cllr Vokes to mention this at Council. Cllr Dowlman to investigate.
Cllr Vokes also mentioned that he was contacted by residents who advised the owner of swimming pool are continuing to trade. Cllr Dennis has been informed and will take this up with enforcement at ELDC once he has received further evidence from residents.
8. To receive reports from the Chairman and Clerk to the Council.
No report submitted by Councillor Dowlman.
The Clerk updated Councillors on works from the previous month. The Clerk is currently waiting for a response on a number of issues from LCC Highways including an update on the bus shelter application. The Clerk also spoke with potential suppliers regarding possible location and ground works that will be needed. The Clerk received an email for free broadband for the village hall but waiting for further information. And the Clerk has been working on updating policies. They’ve been sent to LALC for review, but not yet returned.
9. To receive a report on the Village Hall.
Cllr P Vokes reported that the hand dryer in the ladies is no longer working and will sort a replacement. Cllr Vokes provided a list of accounts for the Village Hall. There were no further questions.
10. To consider capital projects for 2023-24.
The Clerk suggested a number of items for Councillors to consider including additions to play area, or village gates and so on.
Cllrs advised the village gates would be difficult due to the narrow verges and the need to get large farm machinery through. The bus shelter was also discussed which could be on the 2023-24 accounts.
Cllr Coxall mentioned the speed trap signs the Council previously considered. The Clerk is working on additional quotes to present.
No other projects were considered.
11. To consider a quote to plant 9no. rowan trees in the park.
Councillors considered 3 quotes supplied. The Clerk mentioned that one company did not recommend rowan trees as the berries could be poisonous if ingested raw.
A brief discussion followed as to whether rowan would be appropriate for a children’s play area. Councillors asked the Clerk to return to Lyndhurst Garden Centre who provided the best price quote, to ask if Lyndhurst could supply Juneberry instead of rowan. It was resolved unanimously to accept a quote up to £2,750.00.
12. To consider meeting dates for 2023-34.
The Clerk provided a list of meeting dates for 2023-24. It was resolved unanimously to accept the dates listed but amending the April meeting to Tuesday 4th and the May meeting to Tuesday 9th.
13. To consider an event to celebrate the coronation of Kind Charles III in May 2023.
Councillors discussed how the Jubilee event was a success and that resident had suggested they would like to make it an annual event. Cllrs were open to holding an event on any day across the weekend.
Coronation mugs were discussed and the potential for booking a silver band. Cllr Coxall to make enquiries. Cllr Moore would like ‘Croft’ to be on the mugs.
The Clerk advised that as the Coronation is in May, Cllrs should consider the potential for bad weather.
14. To resolve to move into closed session.
It was resolved unanimously to move into closed session.
Closed Session
15. To receive a confidential report on staffing matters.
The Clerk provided a confidential report to Councillors on staffing matters. No resolution was needed. the meeting at 7:50pm.