August 2022 Minutes
Croft Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Croft Village Hall on Tuesday 30th August 2022 commencing at 7pm.
The Chairman welcomed all present. There were three members of the public were in attendance. The Chairman opened the floor for questions. Residents spoke about a neighbour on Croft Lane who was using a swimming pool at a residential address for commercial use. As a result, it was causing issues with parking, noise disturbance, and light issues which persist late into the night. Residents felt it was causing a disruption to neighbours on the street as events at the property start at 7:30am and went on until 22:00. Residents asked the Council for help and advice reporting this issue.
Cllr Dennis advised he would refer this to his colleagues at ELDC. Cllr Dowlman suggested there should have been a change of use application at the property to accommodate its use for business, however, this has not been seen by the Council. The Clerk passed out the email address to residents so they can report any issues and send pictures for the Clerk pass on to the relevant departments.
With no further comments, it was resolved to move into formal session.
Cllrs N Dowlman (Chair), E Peacock (Vice-Chair), G Bowser, S Dennis, C Moore, and P Vokes.
1. Apologies
It was resolved to accept apologies from Cllr S Blackburn.
2. Declarations of Interest
3. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 4th July 2022.
With no matters arising the minutes from July were resolved unanimously.
4. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.
a. 2022-23 First Quarter Bank Reconciliation
No comments were made, resolved unanimously.
b. August Income and Expenditure
Cllr Vokes advised the Clerk to combine the staff salaries on the expenditure spreadsheet. The accounts were resolved unanimously.
5. To consider and approve the accounts for 2021-22.
a. The internal audit
With no comments made, the internal audit was resolved unanimously.
b. The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
The Clerk read the criteria to the Council for the Annual Governance statement to be approved. With no comments made, the AGAR was resolved unanimously.
6. To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.
Cllr Dennis spoke briefly about the upcoming result of the DBID vote and the potential negative impact on the area in the event of a no vote being returned. No written reports were received from other representatives.
7. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.
a. Full planning permission granted for Fields Edge, Church Lane, Croft - S/039/01037/22
b. Full planning permission granted for the Hollies, High Lane, Croft - S/039/00984/22
c. Full planning permission granted for the Elms Packhouse, Croft Bank - S/039/00560/22
8. To receive reports from the Chairman and Clerk to the Council.
Cllr N Dowlman spoke briefly about events over the summer, mentioning the tenant at the allotments had been asked to leave and request the Clerk contact Brown and Co. to put the allotments up for tender.
The Clerk did not issue a written report to Councillors. Work had continued over the summer recess, with particular focus on finalising the accounts for 2021-22. Work on updating policies with guidance from LALC had also begun.
9. To receive a report on the Village Hall.
Cllr P Vokes provided report for Councillors detailing that a holiday activities group spent 5 days at the hall. They had booked another week but decided to concentrate on groups based in Skegness. They reiterated it was not a reflection on what was on offer at the Village Hall.
There is also a 9 camera feed on the Village Hall. There are 3 or 4 vacant spaces to add extra cameras. Councillors agreed to purchase an extra camera, to replace the dummy camera. Resolved unanimously.
10. To consider and approve the purchase of 10 hours IT support from LALC (Pete Langford) to make the website legally compliant.
It was resolved unanimously to accept to purchase of 10 hours IT support from LALC to bring the website up to date and make it legally compliant.
11. To consider and approve the purchase of:
c. a Poppy wreath from the Royal British Legion
d. Lamp post poppies
After a brief discussion it was resolved unanimously to purchase a Poppy wreath from the Royal British Legion for £20 and 10 lamppost poppies.
12. To approve the insurance policy with Zurich for 2022-23.
The Clerk was asked to double check if the new play area was on the insurance, add the new screen in the village hall and update the value of the CCTV to reflect the works undertaken this year.
The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 7:50pm.