April 2023 Minutes

Croft Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at Croft Village Hall on Monday 3rd April 2023 commencing at 7pm.

The Chairman welcomed all present. Four members of the public were in attendance. 

Resident 1 spoke in relation the Hollies planning application regarding an amendment to reduce the density of caravans and increase screening. Otherwise, the application remains the same. 

Resident 2 spoke in relation to the Golf Driving Range application to include an additional 37 caravans, tennis courts and fishing lake. The resident asked for the Council’s support for the application. Cllr Dowlman asked how the project was going. The resident confirmed phases 1 and 2 are complete however, later phases are not complete, and the site is not full. There will be 143 plots in total if this application is approved. 

Resident 3 spoke about the planning application at Belvedere Lakes and the lack of an ecology report which has now been submitted for consideration as a part of this application. The resident advised how this application meets and exceeds the requirements for the biodiversity policy. 

Cllr Dowlman thanked residents for their input, with no further questions, it was resolved to move into formal session. 


Cllrs N Dowlman (Chair), E Peacock (Vice-Chair), S Blackburn, G Bowser, A Coxall, S Dennis, and P Vokes. 

1.    Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire. 

2.    Apologies

No apologies received. 

3.    Declarations of Interest

Cllr Dennis - Belvedere planning application.

4.    To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 6th March 2023.

With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

5.    To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.

a.    March Income and Expenditure

With no comments, it was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts.

6.    To receive updated bank reconciliation for:

a.    March Bank Reconciliation

The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation for information purposes only. 

7.    To approve payments for:

a.    Brown & Co.

It was resolved unanimously to approve payment of this invoice. 

b.    Contribution to grass cutting in the Churchyard.

Cllr Coxall questioned why the Council would contribute as the Council have their own grass cutting contractor. Cllr Vokes advised the Council have previously contributed. Councillors mentioned that this seemed to be a large sum requested. 

Cllr Dowlman suggested there might be a longstanding agreement with the Church over a contribution and asked to delay until further information was provided. 

8.    To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.

Cllr Blackburn has contacted colleagues at LCC regarding speed calming measures and been able to arrange a walk around Croft with the Highways officer - Richard Davies to discuss issues in Croft on 12th June. Councillors mentioned Church Lane, Croft Lane, and Low Road as the main concerns.

9.    To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.

a.    S/039/00565/23 | Planning Permission - 4 BLACKENDED COTTAGES, CROFT LANE, CROFT, SKEGNESS, PE24 4PA

Cllr Dowlman advised no objections had yet been submitted to ELDC by neighbours, however, Cllr Vokes advised residents had complained to the Parish Council over concerns regarding parking, lighting, and noise issues as well as events going on late into the evening. Councillors suggested including time restrictions. It was resolved by majority to support the application. 

b.    S/039/02015/22 | Planning Permission - THE HOLLIES, HIGH LANE, CROFT, SKEGNESS, PE24 4SH

Cllr Dowlman suggested increased landscaping and a reduction in the number of caravans was a positive aspect of the application. With no further comments it was resolved by majority to support the application.

c.    S/039/00184/23 | Planning Permission - BELVEDERE LAKES CARAVAN PARK, LOW ROAD, CROFT, PE24 4RQ

The ecology report has been submitted for this application, however, there have been no other amendments to the application. 

Cllr Dowlman suggested that Councillors should only consider whether the ecology report changes the Council’s previous concerns regarding this application. 

Councillors discussed the scale of this project, the screening from view, the potential for Croft to become an extension of Skegness rather than having its own identity as a countryside village, and demand as other projects discussed were not yet full despite applying for further increased capacity.

Councillors expressed wider concerns of Croft losing an identity of a countryside village if caravan parks and extensions to existing caravan parks were continued to be supported and given permission. Cllr Dowlman reasoned that the ecology report did not do enough to change the opinion of the Council, however the Council voted to support the application, resolved by majority.

Cllr C Moore arrive at 7:45pm but abstained from the vote. 
d.    S/039/00296/23 | Planning Permission - GOLF DRIVING RANGE ADJACENT RIVULET HOUSE, LOW ROAD, CROFT

Councillors again expressed concerns over the loss of village identity by approving further caravans and mentioned a previous application to extend that had been approved had not yet been completed. It was suggested the previous application that was approved should be completed and filled before a further application is considered to truly meet demand should there be one for further caravans. 

Cllr Dennis mentioned issues with screening, and how appropriate screening has the potential to abate concerns if it is enforced in the planning criteria. 

Cllr Coxall questioned whether why there wasn’t an ecology report and whether one could be requested.

It was resolved by majority not to support this application.   

e.    S/039/00191/23| Planning Permission - LAND ADJACENT THE OLD CHEQUERS INN, CROFT LANE, CROFT

Councillors confirmed comments have already been submitted for this application. 

10.    To receive reports from the Chairman and Clerk to the Council.

Cllr Dowlman reported that the trees have been planted in the park along with the tree guards and the Coronation mugs have arrived which look good. 

The Clerk emailed a report to Councillors prior to the meeting. 

Cllr Dowlman asked to return to item 7b to seek clarification from Cllr Moore regarding the request from the Church. It was resolved by majority to contribute £275.00 to the churches grass cutting costs. 

11.    To receive a report on the Village Hall.

Cllr P Vokes reported that he is awaiting news of a grant request from ELDC and is unable to start the work on replacing the lights to LEDs until the grant is approved. 

Cllr Dennis advised he would cover the costs if the grant is not approved.

Cllr Vokes advised Phytos has returned to Cyprus for a family emergency and the Council pass on their condolences. 

12.    To receive an update on the event to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in May 2023.

Cllr Coxall reported that the band is organised, as is the activities for children. There will be a hog roast. A food hygiene certificate is required to be able to sell sandwiches from the hog roast which Cllr Coxall will arrange. Planning is going well, and the event is coming together nicely. Volunteers are required in the set up and take down. 

13.    To receive a copy of previous resolutions and action points.

The Clerk provided a list of previous resolutions and action points.  

The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 8:30pm.