November 2023 Minutes

Croft Parish Council


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held at Croft Village Hall on Monday 6th November 2023 commencing at 7pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true and accurate record.


Cllrs A Coxall (Chair), C Drury, (Vice-Chair), S Blackburn, G Bowser, N Cooper, S Dennis, and S Gould.

Clerk - J Sargent.

There were five members of the public in attendance.

Public Session

Two residents were in attendance from the Parochial Church Council to provide information to the Council on how the parish Church operates and to discuss the proposals to install a unit to house a switch gear at the park.

Resident 1 explained the plans from Western Power to buy a small section in the corner of the park to install a switch gear facing the road, which would mean relocating the entrance to the park, the Parish Council’s notice board, a waste been and installing new fencing. The resident advised it was for the benefit of the village.

Cllr Dennis requested that the notice board be replaced as new which the resident advised the PCC would ask. Cllr Cooper agreed that there should be some community benefit as a result. Cllr Drury requested an exterior power socket be considered. It was also recommended that the works be put on a timescale. The resident asked to provide the Council’s solicitors contact details.

The resident explained how the PCC run the church, as a committee similar to the Parish Council. Income is through weddings, funerals, christenings, and collections at services which are only once a month. The Church shares a vicar, who has 10 churches. The PCC are looking at joining the Burgh group. The PCC contribute £2,000 a year for the vicar. Other expenditure in total is approximately £5,000 a year. Other activities at the Church include bellringing. Sadly, the chancel is in a poor state of repair. The insurance will not cover the restoration which is likely to cost between £150,000 and £250,000. The PCC will be fundraising.

Cllr Coxall advised of organisations who can grant funding and offered to email some links across.

Cllr Dennis suggested the PCC meet with the Parish Council twice a year to facilitate a closer working relationship.

Cllr Dennis reported visiting neighbouring parishes who would like to meet Councillors from Croft in order to establish a working relationship. Cllr Dennis asked Cllr Coxall and Cllr Drury to join him at the next meeting.

With no further matters, it was resolved to move into formal session.

  1. Welcome from the Chair of the Council.

The Chair welcomed all present.

  1. Apologies for Absence.

None received.

  1. Declarations of Interest.

None received.

  1. To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2023.

With no matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

  1. To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration for:
    1. October Income and Expenditure

It was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts.

  1. To receive updated bank reconciliation for:
    1. October

The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation for information purposes only.

  1. To receive a budget review for the second quarter of the financial year.

The Clerk provided a budget review for the second quarter of the financial year, for information purposes only.

  1. To consider subscribing to LIVES defibrillator maintenance programme.

Cllr Coxall advised she was unable to monitor the defibrillator and an alternative was needed to make sure the defibrillator was functional. The Clerk provided a service agreement proposal from LIVES. It was resolved unanimously to subscribe to the LIVES defibrillator maintenance programme.

  1. To consider Western Power’s proposals to site a shed on the playing field.

Councillors discussed health and safety issues with locating this unit in the corner of the park and recommended seeking assurances from Western Power over the safety concerns.

Councillors also suggested asking for upgrades to the noticeboard and entrance gate to the park as these would have to be relocated if the unit was installed. The Clerk to follow up with the PCC.

It was resolved unanimously to agree to the siting of the unit.

  1. To consider speed calming measures.

The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership recommended a speed sign from Elan City. The Clerk advised the LRSP would find a suitable location for the sign and install a pole for £300. The speed sign that has been recommended is detachable, so an additional pole could be installed elsewhere, and the sign relocated occasionally. It was resolved unanimously to pursue the option of installing a speed sign, however, Councillors requested further information such as a guarantee or whether the sign will require a service or if a service plan is included with the purchase. The Clerk to follow up with Elan City.

The Clerk to work with the LRSP to find a suitable location(s) for the speed sign.

  1. To consider installing village gates.

Councillors discussed whether the road was wide enough to install village gates and cater to large vehicles such as farm machinery and caravan to pass through. Cllr Bowser suggested the road was not wide enough to accommodate the signs on the verge.

Cllr Dennis asked if there were any other options to widen the verges to accommodate the signs as a traffic calming measure and whether a smaller gate might be an option. Cllr Coxall also suggested that these gates might encourage drivers to slow down as they enter the village.

The Clerk to contact LCC Highways to ask for advice.

  1. To consider a reply to the South and East Lincolnshire Council Partnership’s sub-regional strategy consultation.

The Clerk to submit the survey on behalf of the Parish Council.

  1. To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, withdrawals, or amendments.
    1. S/039/01928/23 | 366 Drummond Road

As no comments were made, it was resolved unanimously to support the application.

  1. S/039/01967/23 | Land adjacent to Home Farm, Low Road

As no comments were made, it was resolved unanimously to support the application.

  1. S/039/01848/23 | Former Church Farm, Croft Lane

As no comments were made, it was resolved unanimously to support the application.

  1. To receive a report on the Village Hall.

Cllr Coxall reported a number of bookings for parties and young farmers meetings. There was a query over the bookings for the young farmers meetings, with suggestions of double bookings and booking the hall and not turning up. A representative from the young farmers provided a list of dates to Cllr Coxall up to January.

Work is well underway for the Christmas Fayre, including craft tables. Cllr Dennis and Drury offered to sponsor a Christmas tree to be located in the village hall. Cllr Coxall suggested serving refreshments such as mince pies, mulled wine, and teas and coffees. There will be a raffle as well. Councillors offered to donate prizes. The event is advertised on facebook and a poster will be sent to the Clerk to post on the website. The fayre will be on 2nd December, 13:00 - 16:00.

  1. To receive reports from the Chair and Clerk to the Council

Cllr Coxall updated Councillors on the Charity Field, having contacted the Charity Commission to set up an account as the annual statement had not been submitted for the last 5 years. Cllr Coxall to continue to work on this.

The Clerk had been unwell during October and missed a few weeks and reported on efforts to catch up with work.

  1. To receive a copy of previous resolutions and action points.

The Clerk provided a copy of previous resolutions and action points for information purposes to keep Councillors up to date with works in progress.

  1. To receive an update on the community library project.

The Clerk advised the librarian from Wainfleet attended and was impressed with the set up. There are plenty of books available. Cllr Gould to email a poster advertising the library to the Clerk to post on the website and in the notice board.


The Chair closed the meeting at 8:15pm.






























Chair of the Council - Cllr Coxall




Clerk to the Council and RFO - Jack Sargent

4th December 2023