May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Croft Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held at Croft Village Hall on Monday 15th May 2023 commencing at 7pm. These are notes of the meeting until approved by the Council as a true record. 


Cllrs E Peacock (Vice-Chair), S Blackburn, C Drury, G Bowser, A Coxall, S Dennis, and P Vokes. 

1.    To elect a Chairperson of the Council for the forthcoming term of office.

Cllr Peacock was nominated; however, this was not seconded. Cllr Coxall was proposed and seconded, therefore Cllr Coxall was duly elected as Chair of the Council.

2.    To receive the Chairperson’s declaration of acceptance of office.

The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Cllr Coxall and the Parish Clerk.

3.    To elect a Vice-Chairperson of the Council for the forthcoming term of office.

Both Cllrs Peacock and Drury were proposed and seconded. Cllr Peacock received three votes and Cllr Drury received four votes, therefore Cllr Drury was duly elected as Vice-Chair of the Council.

4.    To receive the Vice-Chairperson’s declaration of acceptance of office.

The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Cllr Drury and the Parish Clerk.

5.    Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance. 

6.    Apologies

No apologies received. 

7.    Welcome from the Chair of the Council.

The Chair welcomed all present, reminding attendees to turn off mobile phones and of appropriate escape routes in the event of a fire.

8.    Declarations of Interest

Cllr Dennis - Item 14a.

9.    To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2023.

Cllr Coxall mentioned traffic calming measures on Croft Lane passed Old Chequers Inn on item 8. With no further matters arising, it was resolved unanimously to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

10.    To approve the list of accounts submitted for consideration.

a.    April Income and Expenditure

The Clerk explained the income and expenditure. With no comments, it was resolved unanimously to accept the list of accounts.

11.    To receive updated bank reconciliation for:

a.    April Bank Reconciliation

The Clerk provided the bank reconciliation for information purposes only. 

12.    To approve direct debit payments to BT:

Cllr Coxall confirmed this was for the Wi-Fi in the village Hall. It was resolved unanimously to approve direct debit payments to BY. 

13.    To discuss community matters which need referring to the District and County representatives for a response.

No report submitted. 

14.    To receive notification of any planning permissions, refusals, or amendments.

a.    To consider the retention of a firefighting facility at Hollytree Farm, Croft Bank. 

Cllr Dennis advised that this is a water cannon needed for his waste facility in the event of fire. This is part of the fire protection plan required by insurance and compliance legislation. With no further comments, in the interests of safety, it was resolved unanimously to support the retention of the facility.

b.    Planning permission granted at the land adjacent the Old Chequers Inn, Croft Lane.

The Clerk provided notification of planning permission granted at the land adjacent the Old Chequers Inn.

15.    To receive a report on the Village Hall.

Cllr P Vokes reported that the annual PAT test had been conducted. A grant from ELDC had been approved, for the project to convert the lights in the village hall to LEDs.  

The Clerk advised an application had also been submitted to Screwfix for a grant for £1,500.00 for the same project. 

16.    To receive a final update on the event to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in May 2023.

Cllr Coxall reported on the success of the event, the popularity of the hog roast - with thanks to Cllr Bowser, and that a good time was had by all. Cllr Bowser added that over £400 was raised and will be donated to LIVES. The commemorative coronation mugs were also popular gifts to attendees. 

Cllr Coxall asked for a letter of thanks to be sent to Steve Gould for all his efforts towards the events success and thanked all those who helped. 

The Council placed on record its thanks to Cllr Coxall for leading the organisation of the event.

17.    To consider appointing a member to the LALC Management Committee. 

No Councillor was put forward, however, Councillors asked if the Clerk would consider being put forward for nomination. The Clerk to arrange the application. 

The Chair of the Council closed the meeting at 7:30pm.